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Fish And Chips With A Twist By Anthony Dumble

Fish and chips

With a twist


3 pieces cod or fish of choice

1 cup self-raising flour 1/2 tsp salt

1/4 tsp cumin powder

1/2 tsp turmeric powder

1/4 tsp garlic powder

Pinch gram masala powder 1 cup (250ml) soda water, or beer (cold) 1000ml vegetable oil, for deep frying


Mix all the ingredients together well

Add the oil to a pan and heat to 360F

Dry the fish with kitchen towel

And dust the fish both sides then into the batter mix lower fish slowly into the hot oil and cook for about 8 minutes or till golden brown

Homemade masala

chunky chips


4 potatoes cut into chunky chips

I have a chipper too do this

Part boil the potatoes not too long about 8 minutes in pre boiled water

Then dry and place on a tray apart from each other I then spray them in fry light oil spray little salt pepper and a very light dusting of garlic and masala powder cook for six minutes in a preheated oven 180

Then remove and then remove and turn the chip and repeat the above process cook again for another 6 minutes


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